constitution of india Important Articles - Learning Exam

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constitution of india Important Articles

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Article 5 : Citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution

Article 6 : Rights of citizenship of certain persons who have migrated to India from Pakistan

Article 7 : Rights of citizenship of certain migrants to Pakistan

Article 8 : Rights of citizenship of certain persons of Indian origin residing outside India

Article 9 : Persons voluntarity acquiring citizenship of a foreign State not to be citizens

Article 10 : Continuance of the rights of citizenship

Article 11 : Parliament to regulate the right of citizenship by law

Fundamental Rights

Right to Equality

Article 14 : Equality before the law and equal protection on law.

Article 16 : Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment or appointment to any office under a State.

Article 17 : Abolition of untouchability

Article 18 : Abolition of Titles

Right to Freedom

Article 19 : Right to Freedom

Article 21 : Protection of life and personal liberty

Article 22 : Protection against arbitrary arrest and detention

Right against Exploitation

Article 23 : Prohibition of traffic in human being and forced labour

Article 24 : Prohibition of employment of children in factories below the age of 14.

Right to Freedom of Religion

Article 25 : Freedom of conscience and religion.

Article 26 : Freedom  to manage religious affairs.

Article 27 : Freedom not to pay taxes for Religious Promotion

Article 28 : Freedom not to attend Religious Instruction

Cultural and Educational Rights

Article 29 : Protection of interests of minorities.


Article 32 : Right to Constitutional Remedies

Article 40 : Organise Village Panchayat in State.

Article 44 : Uniform Civil Code for citizens.

Article 45 : Provision for free and compulsory education for children, upto the age of 14.

Article 49 : Protection of national monuments

Article 50 : Separation of Judiciary from the executive

Article 52 : President of India

Article 53 : Powers of President of India.

Article 58 : Qualifications for election as the President.

Article 61 : Procedure for impeachment of the President.

Article 63 : Vice-President of India.

Article 74 : Council of Ministers

Article 84 : Qualifications for membership of Parliament. (Rajya Sabha & Lok Sabha)

Article 110 : Money Bill

Article 120 : Official language of Parliament

Article 153 : Governor for each State.

Article 155 : Appointment of Governor.

Article 164 : Appointment of Chief Minister.

Article 214 : Provision of High Court.

Article 239 : Administration of Union Territories.

Article 315 : Public Service Commission for the Union and each State.

Article 352 : Proclamation of emergency by the President due to war, external aggression or armed rebellion.

Article 356 : President's rule in a State.

Article 360 : Financial emergency

Article 368 : Amendment of the constitution by Parliament.

Article 370 : Special status to J&K.

Article 378 : Provisions of the Public Service Commission

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