HAAD exam questions
1- patient is on digoxin. What is the drug of choice?
– Lasix
2- post operation patient always asking for analgesic (over seeking). What is the most appropriate nursing intervention?
– inform the physician to put the patient on regular analgesic
– tell the patient that it’s a fake feeling
– Increase patients analgesic dose
3- in an Acute Bacterial Meningitis, the CSF (CerebriSpinal Fluid) investigation will be:
– low glucose level.
– high glucose level
– high protein level.
– low protein level
4- the drug of choice for bradycardia
– Atropine.
– Digoxin.
– epinephrine (Adrenaline)
– norepinephrine.
5- A patient with diabetic foot, during the discharge plan, how can the nurse know that the patient understands the correct way to take care of his feet?
– I’ll check my foot every day (inspect)
6- when foleys is inserted, hoe does it fixed?
– inflation of the balloon.
– rotate the cathter and fix it by tape.
7- patient with acute renal failure, after investigation (Blood and urine) what do you expect to have?
– creatinine is high.
8- how can you assess the severity of CVA (Cerebrovascular Accident)
– the affected area in the brain
– block of the artery
– Nerves affected
9- What the suitable position for CVA patient, during doing oral cavity care.
– Supine
– lateral
– prone
10- During NGT (Nasogastric Tube) insertion, the nurse noticed a resistance, what is the suitable Nursing intervention?
– remove the NGT.
– apply more power
– Rotate the tube
11- During NGT insertion the patient become cyanosed, Nsg intervention?
– remove the NG and monitor.
– Give O2.
12- During NG feeding, why it suppose to be slowly feeding (by gravity)?
– because the patient may develop Diarrhea
– because may develop abdominal destination.
13- what is the ideal way when you make suctioning to a patient on Mechanical Ventilator?
– Hyperventilation (by Ampobag) pre and post suctioning.
14- How the RN assess that the Chest tube s are working proberly?
– fluctuation (oxalating)
15- How to assess an emphysema with palpitation?
– When crackles sensation under the skin is felt (palpated)
16- the most common risk factors of developing a pneumonia?
– pts on Mechanical Ventilator.
17- Pneumonic Patient , has purulent mucous, how the nurse can assist the excretion of this mucous?
– by percussion.
18- patient is planned for discharge on diuretics, how the nurse can know the patient understood the care plan ?
– “ will measure and document the intake/ output”
– “ I’ll weigh my self daily”
19- Renal Failure patient for discharge, health education??
– avoid food with high K (potassium), Banana,etc
20- Patient with Hyperkalemia, which is the best way to decrease the K (potassium) level in the blood?
– insulin, lasix pumps
– kay oxalate
21- the Description of good granulation tissue formation?
– pink, soft and may bleed when being touched
22- patient on diuretic, what the RN must keep in mind to monitor.
– Pulse.
– Potassium level.
– Blood Pressure.
23- Patient with GI (Gastrointestinal) (GI Bleeding), stool color?
– Dark (Upper GI Bleeding), (Bright Lower GI B.) + bed odor (Melena)
24- the purpose of let the patient with esophagus Varices having cold water ?
– cold water makes Vasoconstriction, prevent bleeding.
25- the Evidence that the patient may have Anorexia nervosa?
– Anemia
26- During Dealing with a Geriatric Patient , what the nurse should expect?
– difficulty swallowing
– Speaking slowly
27- .patient with CVA, how the nurse can assist to enhance the facial movement?
– encourage chewing and smiling.
28- patient with an amputated leg above the knee, complaing of pain in the his amputated knee, what is the appropriate Nsg intervention?
– tell the pt that this a fake feeling.
– “I understand what you feel, bla bla. The nurse have to realize the fantom Pain).
29- post op patient had a thyroidectomy, how can the nurse realize that the pt developed a parathyroid injury?
– muscle twitching.
30- the most dangerous arrhythmia?
– V-tach (Ventricular tachycardia.
– VF (Ventricular fibrillation)
– braycaria
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