Sample Questions for HAAD, Prometric and DHA for Nurses - Learning Exam

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Sample Questions for HAAD, Prometric and DHA for Nurses

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The nurse is caring for a client in the coronary care unit. The display on the cardiac monitor indicates ventricular fibrillation. What should the nurse do first?
A. Perform defibrillation
B. Administer epinephrine as ordered
C. Assess for presence of pulse
D. Institute CPR
answer is C: Assess for presence of pulse .Artifact can mimic ventricular fibrillation on a cardiac monitor. If the client is truly in ventricular fibrillation, no pulse will be present.

The nurse is assigned to a newly delivered woman with HIV/AIDS. The student asks the nurse about how it is determined that a person has AIDS other than a positive HIV test. The nurse responds
A. "The complaints of at least 3 common findings."
B. "The absence of any opportunistic infection."
C. "CD4 lymphocyte count is less than 200."
D. "Developmental delays in children."
A answer C: "CD4 lymphocyte count is less than 200." CD4 lymphocyte counts are normally 600 to 1000.

The home care nurse is performing an assessment on a client who has been diagnosed with an allergy to latex. In determining the client’s risk factors associated with the allergy, the nurse questions the client about an allergy to which food item?
A. Eggs
B. Milk
C. Yogurt
D. Bananas
Answer: D

Initial step while detecting pulmonary embolism?
A. Start IV line
B. Check vitals
C. Administer morphine
D. Administer oxygen
Answer: D

Major health complications associated with maternal Zika virus infection?

A. Macrocephaly
B. Microcephaly
C. Rheumatic heart disease
D. Myasthenia gravis .
Answer: B

While assessing a client in an outpatient facility with a panic disorder, the nurse completes a thorough health history and physical exam. Which finding is most significant for this client?

A. Compulsive behavior
B. Sense of impending doom
C. Fear of flying
D. Predictable episodes
Answer is B: Sense of impending doom
The feeling of overwhelming and uncontrollable doom is characteristic of a panic attack.

Indications for fundoplication?

A. Hiatus hernia
B. Diaphragmatic hernia
D. All the above
Answer: D

Left ventricular pressure can be measured by using
A. C.V. C
B. Pulmonary artery catheter
C. Swanz - Ganz Catheter
D. All the above
E. Both B&C
Answer: E

United Nations decided to mark the importance of India’s former President and great scientist APJ Abdul Kalam and declared his birthday as ‘World Students Day’. The world students day is ....?

A. November 15
B. October 15
C. October 17
D. November 17
Answer: B

Sex education should be given to
A. Toddler
B. Preschooler
C. Schoolar
D. Adolescents
Answer: D

Dowager's hump is the forward curvature(kyphosis) of the spine resulting in a stoop, caused by collapse of the front edges of the thoracic vertebrae commonly seen in....?
A. Osteoarthritis
B. Rheumatoid arthritis
C. Osteoporosis
D. Lumbar fracture
Answer; C

Cessation of breathing more than ....seconds is known as apnea

A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
E. 30
Answer: D

While newborns vitals assessments , it should be

A. T,P,R
B. R,P,T
C. P,T,R
D. P,R,T
Answer: B

Koplik spots (also Koplik's sign) are a prodromic viral enanthem of ---- disease?

A. Chikun gunya
B. Diphtheria
C. Herpes zoster
D. Herpes simplex
E. Measles.
Answer: E

CVP is the pressure within
a)inferior venacava
b)pulmonary artery
c)pulmonary vein
d)subclavian vein

Anti - infective vitamin?
A. A
B. B12
C. C
D. D
Answer: A

Scilent killer in neonates?
A. Hypothermia
B hypoxia
C. Hypoglycemia
D. Dehydration
Answer: A

Which of the following condition Christmas disease ?
A. Leukemia
C. Hemophilia A
D. Hemophilia B
Answer : D

Zika is a viral diseases transmitted by mosquito

A. Culex
B. Ades
C. Anopheles
D. Asian tiger
Answer : B

Malnutrition landmark in children?

A. Head circumference
B. Chest circumference
C. Mid arm circumference
D. Milestone achievement
Answer: C

Trendelenburg test is used to detect

B. Varicose vein
C . vulvular disorder
Do thrombophlebitis

A reflex that is seen in normal newborn babies, who automatically turn the face toward the stimulus and make sucking motions with the mouth when the cheek or lip is touched.
A. Moro
B. Rooting
C. Sucking
D. Swallowing
Answer: B
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